
Join an Axe Throwing League

Your Skills Will Vastly Improve

The idea of the more you practice something, the better you’ll get holds true to axe throwing, as well. By joining a league, you will learn precise techniques to help you hit bullseyes and killshots much more frequently. Join with some friends or make new ones along the way as you all throw competitively against one another in a fun environment.

Call (517)337-2695 for more info about joining a league.

Leagues expected to start Winter 2023

As one of the world’s fastest-growing sports, axe throwing has seen a rise in internationally recognized organizations such as the International Axe Throwing Federation (IATF). Spartan Axe is proudly affiliated with this organization, giving our league throwers access to some of the best competition in the world with over 9,000 members.

Who knows, you may discover such a love for the sport that you continue on to compete in the world championships.

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